17 Jun

Digital plays an increasingly important role in our daily lives. So much so that companies wonder if the press print is still useful. Should brochures, flyers, posters and other leaflets be put away in the closet? This is the question we want to answer today. 

Why is press Print in decline?

Print advertising seems to lose brand interest because paper newspapers are no longer popular. According to a report by the Advertising Association with Warc Expenditure, the British press is looking gloomy: national newspaper revenues fell by 13.2% in 2016. Even if advertising expenditure is up, all media combined, the growth is mainly driven by digital communication (+13.4% increase in 2016).On the American side, the results are essentially the same. The New York Times saw its revenue from print advertising decline by 18%. Fortunately, the newspaper took the digital turn quite early: revenue from the Internet was $399 million in the last quarter of 2016. Revenue from digital represents 38% of its advertising revenue.


Is Press Print advertising still relevant?

While it's true that digital advertising has overtaken press print advertising, print isn't going away! It delivers high conversion rates, and strong audience demographics enhance business reputation and brings a unique interactive format that only paper can offer.So, let's take a closer look at some of the benefits of print:

1. People remember press print ads better than digital ads

It's hard to stay focused with digital, and your so many distractions will drown out your advertising. For example, readers are still exposed to distractions in a magazine or newspaper, but there are usually fewer of them. As a reader, you physically pass through the advertisements by interacting with the content. Your prospects are 70% more likely to remember your brand after seeing it in a print ad than in a digital ad.

2. We trust press print ads more easily

A 2016 study in the United States found that consumers trust print ads more than any other type of advertising. Print advertising will create credibility for your brand and generate trust with prospects and customers.

3. It's nice to have physical content

All marketers know that they need to appeal to all of the consumer's senses. With print media, you get the smell of freshly printed paper, the feel of paper in your hand, the vibrant colours, and the sound of moving paper.

4. Conversion rates are better

Your prospects subscribe to magazines based on their interests. And ads are part of that because they align with the rest of the content and add to the value of the magazine. You have, with a magazine or sending mail, an ultra-targeted advertisement. Nearly 80% of consumers respond to a direct mail ad, while less than 50% of consumers respond to an email ad. Pres Print media triggers actions in consumers, which makes conversion rates much higher. 

How to use print well?

Use print advertising appropriately. As we said, print advertising is not dead yet. Just look up when you're in town or on the road. Open your mailbox, and you will still find many flyers there.

What benefits do Advertising print posters and brand poster campaigns give?

Unless you're addressing a very specific niche, your prospects are everywhere. They walk in the street. They consult catalogues at home or newspapers at a cafe table. Print costs have fallen significantly. You can afford beautiful posters or captivating flyers without disrupting your cash flow. Print advertising is, therefore, effective if you want to:

Increase your notoriety Communicate widely on a novelty, Expand your audience, Promote an exceptional offer. Offer emotion to your prospects Digital cannot be touched, cannot be stored and conveys a temporary emotion. It appeals to only one sense: sight. Whereas a print advertisement stimulates sight, touch and sometimes smell. This paper keeps precious, especially if it is beautiful, shiny and pleasant to handle.

It is easier to convey emotion on several pages than on an internet insert. However, some consumers like this contact with the paper and are fond of a more lasting experience than simple Internet advertising.

Press Print and digital advertising, a happy marriage!

Printing and digital form a powerful duo for your prospecting and customer loyalty. By being present in these two spaces, you increase your visibility and your notoriety tenfold. You widen the field of possibilities by capturing prospects who are not very connected or who are not attentive to internet advertisements. However, the question is not whether you should opt for one or the other; you should use these two means of communication. And in a complementary way. For example, you can add a QR Code to your print campaigns. This can lead to your website, additional information on the product/service, a discount voucher… A print advertisement can also include your social networks.

Social media digital print poster Pelican campaign by WWF

Conversely, on your website, you can offer your prospects the possibility of ordering your paper catalogue in exchange for their contact details. This is a great way to expand your contact base. 


You understood if it loses speed, the press print is not dead, far from it. It should be used wisely, efficiently and environmentally friendly. It allows for more targeted, more interactive and traceable advertising.

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